A supermarket tour initiative could help you make, and stick to, your healthy eating New Year resolutions.
Crawley Wellbeing advisors will be visiting the town’s shops in January and February offering free tours with advice, tips and ideas for healthy shopping and eating habits.
The tours will include the basics of understanding food labels, and choosing food for a healthy and balanced diet.
Councillor Nigel Boxall said that Crawley Wellbeing’s supermarket tours offer an opportunity to see healthy eating advice in action in the place we make most of our food decisions.
And if you’ve got any other New Year’s resolutions – maybe giving up smoking – they can offer you advice, tips and access to services.
Visit crawley.westsussexwellbeing.org.uk for more information.
To find out when we are visiting your local supermarket, and to book your place on a tour, call 01293 585317.