Crawley man sentenced for sexual offences

A man from Crawley has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for sexual offences against a young girl.

Adam Arnold, 32, pleaded guilty to multiple rape and serious sexual assault against the girl aged between 10 and 14 at Hove Crown Court on Tuesday.

Detective Constable Ellen Jones of the East Sussex Safeguarding Investigations Unit said; “Arnold came to know his victim, and five years ago began this horrific and systematic abuse which she suffered, unbeknown to anyone else, until she felt able to confide in someone she knew last year, and we were promptly informed.

“We took immediate action and Arnold was arrested.

“This young girl had endured the trauma and distress of what happened to her, in secret, and we admire all the more her courage and resolution in now supporting both our investigation and the prosecution.

“If you are a victim of sexual abuse, or know of someone else who is, no matter how recent or long ago, contact us at any time in confidence, and arrange to talk in confidence to experienced investigators. We have specialist officers who can also help you access to a range of independent advice and support.”