Surrey County Council to invest £36m in specialist schools

Surrey County council is investing £36 million to create more than 200 new places at specialist schools in the county.

The new places will be available for the academic year beginning September 2021 and will allow children with Education Health and Care Plans to enjoy a wider choice of local schools.

The demand for specialist school places in the county has risen in recent years, meaning the county needs more than its current 770 places in mainstream schools.

Julie Iles, SCC Cabinet Member for All-Age Learning, said:
“Our aim is to increase our outstanding specialist provision within Surrey so that all children and young people can receive a good education closer to their homes. Increasing the range of options within the county will help young people to fulfil their potential while continuing to play an active role in their local communities. It will also reduce the number of children having to travel long distances to get to school.

“Providing more appropriate provision within the county will also help us to reduce the cost of finding suitable places elsewhere. Places in the independent sector are usually more costly than those in our own settings and do not necessarily offer better value for money. This will be a much more effective use of our resources.”

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