Concessionary travel rules are being temporarily relaxed

Surrey’s elderly and disabled residents will be able to enjoy free bus travel all day, every day from this week.

Residents with a concessionary bus pass can now travel for free at any time, after Surrey County Council lifted restrictions to help residents during the pandemic. Previously, the concessionary pass was only valid between 9.30 am and 11pm on weekdays and at weekends and public holidays.

The changes will be reviewed when lockdown restrictions are eased.

Matt Furniss, Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “I’m very aware that many of our elderly and disabled residents rely on our bus network to both fund and facilitate vital journeys, especially during lockdown.

I’m delighted that we have increased access to free bus travel once again to ensure essential journeys can take place at any time of the day and that our most vulnerable residents can travel for free off-peak when there are less passengers and it is safer to do so.”

Bus companies in Surrey were invited to take part in the initiative with all agreeing to participate. The temporary extension will be reviewed as and when lockdown restrictions are eased.

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