Where to have a good bonfire night!

Remember Remember the 5th of November

As we come up to the annual celebrations of bonfire night, when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of Parliament in 1605, a series of organised events are being put on around the county.

Although this is normally celebrated on the 5th November, most displays this year will take place on Saturday 6th.

To ensure that you and your family get the most out of this year’s event, make sure you visit this page for the most up to date information.

Also, check out the Susy Radio ‘Local Info’ listings.

Please remember to check with the contact telephone numbers or websites before planning your evening fun at one of the Fireworks Displays in Surrey as sometimes events can be cancelled for various reasons and timings can be changed.

If you have news for Sussex and Surrey, contact us on news@susyradio.com