A pay-as-you-go car club has been launched in Crawley town centre, so any Crawley resident or business can hire a hybrid electric car on an hourly basis.

The new Co Wheels Crawley Car Club car is located within easy reach of many town centre residents directly outside Geraint Thomas House on The Boulevard. It is funded by Crawley Borough Council using developer contributions and aims to reduce urban congestion and lower emissions by renting out fuel efficient, low emission vehicles on an hourly basis. It claims members can typically save up to £1,000 a year on motoring costs through this environmentally friendly alternative to car ownership.
Geraint Thomas House residents will get £25 driving credit (this is credit on their account to use on hire time), free joining fee (one off payment) and no monthly membership fee (usually £5 minimum spend on the account per month).
Crawley residents are being offered the same as Geraint Thomas House residents if they sign up using the promotional code CRAWLEY25 by the end of February 2022. After this time, Crawley residents will be offered normal membership rates; paying only for a car when they need it.
Research by Co Wheels shows that car clubs have reduced car dependence with, on average, each car club car removing between 10 and 15 privately owned cars from traffic. Car club members also walk, cycle and use public transport more after joining a club.
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