Crawley residents are being invited to prepare to celebrate well being month in March.
WIth around 2 weeks to go, your local library is planning events to help you stay healthy and well.
There’ll be something for everyone including laughter workshops, stress reduction sessions, guided walks and much more.
There’ll also be a special wellbeing day at Crawley Library for carers and those who receive care.
Libraries will also be highlighting books that can help your wellbeing such as those on exercise, diet and promoting good health.
For more information on all events taking place as well as regular library activities such as
knit and natter, relax with colouring and board games see
All libraries will have displays of books recommended by library staff to lift your mood and help you feel better.
Libraries will also be highlighting other books that can help your wellbeing such as those on exercise, diet and promoting good health.
The eLibrary at also has a wide variety or eBooks and eMagazines to borrow.
Libraries can also give information or point people in the right direction to find more specialised support.
Libraries can also help people find a new hobby or interest through its clubs and societies database at