Make sure you are registered to vote in the forthcoming elections

It is time for Reigate and Banstead residents to make sure they have registered to vote in the upcoming elections.

On May 6, residents will go to the polls to elect Surrey County Councillors, borough councillors and the county’s Police & Crime Commissioner.
The deadline to register is April 19th.

Mari Robert-Wood, Electoral Registration Officer for Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, said:
“With only one month to go, time is running out to make sure you can take part in May’s elections. They are an important opportunity to make your voice heard and have a say on who represents you on issues that directly affect your day-to-day life. If you’re not registered by 19 April, you won’t be able to vote.

“However you choose to cast your vote in May, you can do so safely. We’re putting arrangements in place to help you stay safe at the polling station. But you also have the option to apply to vote by post or by proxy. If you want to vote this way please apply as soon as possible to receive your ballot in good time.”

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