All posts by ianr

Surrey County Council expresses disappointment at London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone proposal

Surrey County Council has expressed disappointment and frustration at proposed expansion of London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone.

The Council has written to the Mayor of London citing strong concerns about the financial impact the expansion would have for a significant number of communities and businesses.

A number of recommendations to help lessen the impacts of the expansion were proposed to the Mayor, including extending the car scrappage scheme to Surrey residents, extending the Zone 6 Oyster Card or providing exemptions for commuters.

To date none of this has been recognised.

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Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Leader confirms retirement

The Leader of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Council has confirmed he will retire from the Council this May.

Cllr Mark Brunt Brunt has served as a Conservative councillor for Merstham since 2004.

Cllr Brunt will continue as Leader of the Council and a councillor until the next local elections.

A new council Leader will be appointed, as voted for by all councillors, at the Annual Council later that month.

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Gatwick Airport Staff donate £34K cheque to SASH Charity

Staff from Gatwick Airport visited East Surrey Hospital to hand over a cheque for £34,000, which was raised by airport staff and passengers for the SASH Charity over the past year.

Since SASH became one of Gatwick’s official charity partners in 2020, fundraising efforts have contributed to the refurbishment of the hospital’s chemotherapy suite,

Gatwick has also contributed towards enhanced rest areas for visitors at the hospital.

Raquel Freudenberger, fundraising officer, for SASH Charity says they are grateful for Gatwick’s unwavering support.

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