All posts by news

Aggravated Burglary at Lingfield Racecourse

An investigation is underway into an aggravated burglary at Lingfield Racecourse.

Two suspects are believed to have broken into a small bar within the grounds of the racecourse shortly after 10 o’clock Saturday night.

A security guard disturbed the intruders while they were removing bottles of alcohol.  When a second guard arrived to assist, a slingshot was fired, hitting one of the guards in the face with a ball bearing.

Despite an extensive search the intruders have not been located after escaping on foot.

Both suspects are described as white, mid to late teens and approximately 5ft 8 inches tall.

One is of a slight/skinny build whereas the other suspect is described as of large build.

Scriptwriters wanted in Crawley

Have you ever considered yourself a budding scriptwriter?

Crawley-based Pitchy Breath Theatre Company are seeking new plays to produce and feature as part of a series of short plays about risky decisions, troublemakers and the consequences.

The scripts, to be no longer than 25 minutes, must be submitted by Monday 1st August.

Playing With Fire will be performed at The Hawth in November.

If you have an idea for a script send your work to

Auditions for Playing with Fire will be held in September – date to be confirmed.

Mystery of semi-clothed woman in East Grinstead

Investigations are continuing into the circumstances which led to a woman returning semi-clothed to her home in East Grinstead.

The 44 year-old had been seen sitting in Worth Way drinking alcohol during the afternoon of 6th July.  Around 4 o’clock the following morning she returned home with her lower clothing  removed.

The woman was physically unhurt however the possibility of a sexual motive or an actual assault have not been ruled out at this stage.

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101.

Horsham aids Scam Awareness Month

A video has been released by Sussex Police as part of Scams Awareness Month.

It has been designed for professionals, relatives and visitors to the elderly and vulnerable, alerting them to warning signs of fraudulent and scam activities.

Scams affecting people in Sussex range from scam letters to rogue doorstep callers.

The video was launched at the start of the week at a Safer West Sussex Partnership event in Horsham.

The video can be viewed on the following link:

For a full calendar of public events for Scams Awareness Month, click here:

Top tips to avoid fraud and scams:

Remember: banks and police will never call or email and ask you to transfer funds to a new account, collect your cards from your home, ask you to buy high value goods and never ask you to hand over cards or money.

  • Keep your money safe with these tips:
  • Check people are who they say they are. Not sure? Don’t open the door!
  • Never send or give money to people you don’t know or trust
  • Remember to protect your identity – don’t share your personal information with unexpected callers
  • Beware of email and computer scams. Treat all emails from unknown senders with suspicion and never click on links within them
  • Never share your PIN number or enter your PIN into a telephone
  • If in doubt, phone a relative, friend or someone you know personally.

New skatepark for Horley

Residents are being invited to have their say on a new skatepark in Horley.

A meeting is being held with builders Bendcrete Skateparks on Monday 18th July at Edmonds Hall in Albert Road.

It is an opportunity for people to find out more details and have an input into the design.

The meeting gets underway at 6pm.