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Reigate & Banstead Borough Council’s Local Plan Consultation Document

Reigate and Banstead Borough Council’s Executive will consider the next part of the Council’s Local Plan for public consultation.  The Development Management Plan will include potential developments sites for housing, shops and employment.  As well as sites within urban areas, the consultation seeks views on potential urban extensions around the edges of Horley, Redhill, Merstham and Reigate including on land that is currently Green Belt.  

If agreed by the Executive, the consultation document will be subject to a 10 week public consultation from 1 August to 10 October 2016.

You can receive direct notification by email or post about this and other planning policy topics, and register your interest via an online form at  or email or call 01737 276178.

West Sussex County Council Survey – What Matters To You 2016

West Sussex County Council is asking residents to give their views on what services the Council should focus on.  The Council faces challenges on how they pay for services.  Feedback from a survey will be considered as part of the budget setting activity for part of this year and next.  

In the 2014 survey, the three most important services to residents were to give children the best start in life and support them to reach their potential, to champion the West Sussex economy to boost job opportunities, and to support elderly residents to remain independent later in life.  

The survey runs from now until 30th August and can be found on

Thefts From Vehicles in East Grinstead

East Grinstead’s Neighbourhood Policing Team has issued a warning to residents following a spate of thefts from unlocked vehicles in the town.  Hundreds of pounds worth of goods including sat navs, mobile phones and wallets have been stolen in recent weeks.  A total of 18 incidents have been reported to police in East Grinstead during the last two months.  At least 15 of these involved vehicles which were left unlocked over night.  

Sergeant Graeme Prentice said they’ve issued the same warnings in the past, but the message for people to secure their vehicles doesn’t seem to be getting across.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact or call 101.


Fatal Collision in Horsham

Police are investigating a fatal collision in Horsham.

A man, believed to be in his 60s, died at the scene Tuesday morning following a collision between a lorry and a car on Compton Lane.

The road was closed while emergency services were on the scene.

A 34 year-old lorry driver from Crawley has been arrested and bailed after providing a positive drugs test.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Sussex Police quoting Operation Bridgetown.

Shortfall in Primary Places in Surrey

Surrey schools need to provide an extra 11,000 places in primary and secondary education over the next five years.

Linda Kemeny, Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Schools, Skills and Education Achievement is concerned that there is a shortfall of tens of millions of pounds in funds required to create the places.

Figures from the Department of Education indicate the primary school population in Surrey has risen by more than 10,000 since 2010 and by over 2,000 in the last year alone.