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Horley in Bloom

This year’s Horley in Bloom results have been released.

There were several categories ranging from Residential Front Garden and Flat to Hanging Basket and Public House.

Horley and District Constitutional Club came first in the Commercial category.

Manorfield topped the Schools category and Christine Fox was crowned Best Newcomer.

Mike George, Horley in Bloom Chairman, said the ‘judges were extremely impressed with the high quality of the entries’.

A presentation evening will be held in September at Regent House, Horley.

There is still time, however, to enter the Horley in Bloom Photographic competition.

The closing date for entries has been extended to August 21st.

Fire crews stage anti-drink drive campaign in Crawley

This evening (Thursday 23rd July) Firefighters in Crawley are hosting an anti-drink drive event.

They aim to raise awareness of the potentially devastating consequences of driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs.

As well as providing information to members of the public to help them stay safe on the roads, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service will also be staging a crashed car demonstration, highlighting the scene that emergency personnel often face.

Between January 2012 and December 2014 there were 32 recorded road traffic accidents in Crawley in which someone was injured and where a driver had been drinking alcohol. Two of those were fatal.

As part of the anti-drink and drug-driving campaign Operation Dragonfly this summer a total of 59 people across Sussex have been convicted of offences.

The event is being held at Crawley Leisure Park on London Road between 8 and 11.30 this evening.

Car deliberately set alight in Oxted

Witnesses are being sought after a car was deliberately set alight in Oxted.

Fire crews were called to the junction of Holland Road and Greenhurst Lane shortly after 1 o’clock Thursday morning to deal with a red Fiat which was ablaze.

It is believed the fire had been started in the driver’s seat.

The blaze also damaged a grey Audi A5 and Audi TT.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Surrey Police on 101.

High Sheriff recognises policing efforts in West Sussex

Officers, staff and volunteers have been recognised for their assistance in policing West Sussex.

Denise Patterson, High Sheriff of West Sussex, and Assistant Chief Constable Steve Barry, presented the awards Monday evening.

One incident highlighted at the ceremony involved Sergeant Ben Websdale and PC Michael Butler.  Websdale was nominated after facing a young man with two Samurai swords whilst attending a domestic incident in Crawley.

The offender charged at the two officers and Sergeant Websdale put himself in harm’s way to protect his colleague who had tripped on an uneven path whilst stepping back.

The suspect was arrested and charged  when more units arrived.  No one was seriously injured.