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Crawley promotes volunteering

A new monthly drop-in centre at Crawley Town Hall is helping to recruit volunteers.

Shelley Jones, a Co-ordinator at Crawley Community and Voluntary Service, runs the sessions which take place the first Monday of each month from 10am.

Anyone interested in volunteering can get general information and advice as well as a list of opportunities and organisations looking for volunteers.

You can also contact us here at Susy Radio if you are interested in getting involved with your local voluntary community radio station.

Campaign to increase food recycling in Mole Valley

A campaign is aiming to encourage an increase in food recycling.

A roll of free caddy liners, an information leaflet and a ‘No Food Waste’ sticker from Keep Britain Tidy will be delivered to Mole Valley households from mid-October over the next three months.

The District Council is supporting Surrey Waste Partnership’s food waste awareness campaign.

Last year almost 50,000 tonnes of household food waste was put into rubbish bins in the county.  It is estimated Surrey could save £3 million per year if all food waste is recycled.

Enough food waste to fill an Olympic swimming pool is thrown away in Mole Valley on an annual basis.

Fly-tipping on bridleway in Charlwood

Fly-tipping is being targeted by Mole Valley District Council.

The latest incident saw three piles of illegally dumped rubbish on a bridleway in Charlwood.

Contents included personal letters and trophies.  Broken glass was also found.

Residents are being reminded to check the credentials of anyone collecting waste from their property as they have a responsibility to ensure their waste is disposed of legally.

Fly-tipping in Mole Valley costs taxpayers £30,000 every year.

Elderly couple suffer serious injuries in collision in Godstone

A head-on collision in Godstone has left an elderly couple with serious injuries.

They were travelling in a silver Peugeot along the A22 when they were in collision with a black Alfa Romeo just before midday on Tuesday.

The elderly couple, both in their 80s, were taken to St. George’s Hospital in Tooting by air and land ambulance.

The driver of the Alfa Romeo, a man in his 40s, was treated at East Surrey Hospital in Redhill for injuries to his wrist and sternum.

Anyone who witnessed the collision is asked to contact police on 101.

Man sent to prison for racial abuse in Crawley

A man in his 60s is behind bars after racially abusing a restaurant manager in Crawley.

The hate crime occurred in McDonalds in Haslett Avenue West back in June.

65 year old Patrick Maughan was arrested a month later and charged with two counts of racially and religiously aggravated intentional harassment.

He pleaded guilty to both counts and has been sentenced to 12 weeks imprisonment, ordered to pay £180 court costs and £80 victim surcharge.