All posts by news

Career criminal jailed

A burglar who stole about £700, 000 worth of goods over the course of five years was sentenced on Tuesday to half a decade in prison.
Anthony Murray, of Purley Way in Croydon, was sentenced at Lewes Crown Court, having admitted two charges of burglary, with a further 102 to be taken into consideration.
The 31-year-old’s crime spree extended across the entire county – where he focused on stealing high value jewellery and electronic items.
Surrey police have been holding open days this month to give property back to their original owners.

Fostering discussed at Crawley Mela

The council’s fostering team will be at the Crawley Mela this weekend.

They will be available to talk about how rewarding and meaningful fostering is.

The Mela will be taking place at The Hawth in Crawley to celebrate people from a wide variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Unexplained car park death

A man who was found collapsed in a car park and pronounced dead at hospital later may have been hit by a car, police say.

The man in his 70s was found in the car park of East Surrey Hospital yesterday at around 5 in the evening.

Anyone who was in the area between 4.30pm and 5pm or who can assist with the investigation is urged to contact Surrey Police on 101.

Sussex Police launch key elements to Best Use of Stop and Search scheme

Sussex Police has launched two key elements to it’s Best Use of Stop and Search scheme.

The voluntary project that was announced in April is designed to contribute to a significant reduction in the overall use of stop and search.

They are also hoping to deliver better and more intelligence-led stop and search as well as improving stop-to-arrest ratios.

From today, they will increase the transparency by recording all outcomes of stop and search and whether there is a connection between the grounds for the search and the outcome.

By November Sussex police will fully comply with the scheme by giving members of the public the opportunity to observe stop and search in practice.

Crawley MP urging people to join campaign for local charities

Crawley MP Henry Smith is urging people to get involved with a nationwide campaign that could benefit local charities. has a campaign called the Great British Switch which allows people to see if they can make savings by changing their insurance provider.

The campaign also allows people to nominate a charity of their choice to win fifty thousand pounds.

Henry Smith has said it would be fantastic if a local group could win the money so the benefits could be seen locally in Crawley.

You can nominate on Twitter or online, and nominations open today for one week.

There are two ways to nominate a charity:

On Twitter – using the #GreatBritishSwitch hashtag, and a brief explanation on why the charity should win.

Online – via