Category Archives: Community

Susy Jubilee Roadshow at Redhill Memorial Park

On Saturday June 2nd, the first of the Jubilee Weekend’s Susy Roadshows took place at Redhill memorial park. Run by the Outdoor Sound Company and Neil Munday, a great day was had by all.

A special thanks to all that helped out on the day, including Natalie,Osborne (she’s the one with the tasteful hairstyle), Chris Spring and Shan Robins. A few photos below, more to come later.




Jubilee Weekend Susy Roadshows

With the Jubilee weekend almost upon us, you’ll know that Susy Radio is going to be out on the road on no less than three of the four days of the holiday.  Our chair, Neil Munday will be providing the roadshow with his Outdoor Sound Company, together with Susy Presenters including Natalie Osborne, Chris Spring and Geoff Rogers.   You are most welcome to attend, enjoy the events, and say hi to the Susy Radio Presenters who will be there on the days.  It does promise to be a brilliant weekend of events.

The events are listed below:

Saturday 2nd June
Location: Redhill Memorial Park
Show: 10am to 4pm

Sunday 3rd June
Location: Priory Park, Reigate, with Loveworks

Monday 4th June
Location: Priory Park, Reigate.
Torchlit Evening Procession and Fireworks
Show: 9pm to 10.30pm (approx)

So there we have it, not yet on air but still three massive events involving Susy Radio.  And there’s more to come. Keep your eyes peeled here and on our web and social media sites for more information.

Ofcom confirms frequency Clearance of 103.4FM

We are very pleased to confirm that at long last, we have been given frequency clearance for 103.4FM by Ofcom.  This means that though we will now miss the planned date for launch of 1st June, we have a clearer roadmap leading to our launch.

Following an inspection by Ofcom to ensure our equipment is of the right specification (lead time approx 2 weeks from this date), we will start a month of tests, around the end of the second week of June.  Assuming all these are successful, we plan to launch in mid-July – official dates to be confirmed as soon as is possible.

We appreciate that this is frustrating to everyone, but at least now we see a clear path to our launch before too much more time elapses.

Susy Radio – News from Ofcom

Transmission update – Susy Radio have received a response from Ofcom which informs us on two very important issues:

Regarding Final Frequency Clearance (international)

“Please be assured that we will progress things as quickly as we can within the agreed processes with international agencies.”

Regarding Our two year deadline to be on air which expires on 14th June 2012.

“We would not impose a deadline on a group under such circumstances as this hold-up is with the clearance, rather than from your end.”

This is excellent, though somewhat frustrating news as on the one hand it means further delays, but on the other that we will definitely be coming your way  sooner or later.

We’ll keep you updated here on any firm news as we get it.  Meanwhile, our studios get ever closer to completion, as the photo below shows:


Blue Lizard Signs Sponsors Susy Roadshow Banners

We’re very pleased to report that Blue Lizard Signs of Crawley have kindly agreed to sponsor and supply banners for Susy Radio’s outside broadcast.  These banners will be seen frequently throughout the summer as the roadshow hits the local area.

Blue Lizard Small LogoBlue Lizard Signs have now been established for thirteen years and have built up a reputation of supplying the highest standards of quality and professionalism with competitiveness to offer you an unbeatable service producing stunning signs and graphics from design to installation. Blue Lizard Signs are on 01293 553333, and are located at 8 Raleigh Court, Manor Royal, Crawley, RH10 9PD

Please also be sure to visit their website and support this excellent local trader.