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Surrey Apprenticeship Scheme

A challenge set by Surrey County Council to fill 500 apprentice places in a year has smashed its target two months early.

Nearly 540 young people have landed apprentice roles since last April as part of three schemes run by the council.

More than 410 apprentices have been hired by businesses through a cash incentive initiative and the council took on a further 100 young people and contractors filled around 25 places.

The apprenticeship drive is part of the council’s push to stimulate economic growth; it has also seen the number of young people in the county not in education, employment or training cut by more than half.

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Salfords Robbery

Three men are in police custody following a robbery at a flat in Brighton Road, Salfords on Monday 3rd February.

The owners of the flat were disturbed by the sound of breaking glass between 1 and 2am before being faced with three hooded intruders.

It’s believed that they forced entry to the property through the front door which is behind a row of shops on the Brighton Road at Salfords.

Two of the suspects are reported to have threatened the occupants with weapons before fleeing empty handed in a small dark coloured hatchback.

Detectives from East Surrey CID are appealing for witnesses and information, and anyone who can help should contact Surrey Police on 101.

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Noise Insulation Grants

Gatwick Airport has announced that owners of more than 1,000 homes in Sussex, Surrey and Kent are now eligible to claim noise insulation grants of up to £3,000,

The grants will go towards double glazing as well as loft insulation.

The boundary for the scheme’s been extended by about 10 miles to the east and west of the airport.

Noise level boundaries have also been lowered for those qualifying.

The extended noise insulation programme will begin on 1 April.

[Source: BBC News]

Surrey Council Tax Increase

Surrey CC Approve 1.99% Council Tax Increase

Surrey County Council’s Cabinet yesterday approved a proposal to increase council tax by 1.99% even though a 2.5% rise was originally  deemed to be necessary.

A spokesman said that this will allow key services to be preserved as the council continues to face the challenges of rising demand and shrinking government funding.

The Cabinet’s recommendation will now go forward to a meeting of Surrey’s Full Council next Tuesday, 11 February, where a final decision will be taken.

New Road for Tilgate Park

Councillors will be asked to approve a new access road linking Tilgate Park to the A23 and more car parking spaces at a meeting in February.

The plans – part of a £1m investment in the park – also include the resurfacing of the main car park and the installation of a pay and display system, as well as improvements to coach parking, new disabled parking areas, and safer pedestrian access around the toilet areas and into the park.

The plans will be debated by members of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission on the 10th February before the Cabinet makes a decision on the 12th.

If approved, Road construction would take place between September this year and April 2015.