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Work due to Start at Dorking Halls in June

Planned work at Dorking Halls, including the replacement of the plaster ceiling in the Grand Hall, will be starting on Monday 3 June 2024 and see the entire venue closed for a period of time.

Given the extent and nature of the work to be carried out on the ceiling, specialist advice was taken and specific tests carried out to help inform the approach to replacing the ceiling. As a result of tests carried out in mid-May, it was confirmed that paint on the ceiling contained lead; not uncommon for a building constructed in the 1930s.

The presence of lead – which only becomes a health and safety risk if disturbed – led the appointed contractor to advise Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) last week that the cost, and the time it would take to complete the work, would increase. This was discussed on Thursday 30 May at Extraordinary meetings of Cabinet and Council, agreeing to provide the funding necessary to avoid any delay to the start of the planned work.

Starting as intended on 3 June, the work will take nine weeks longer to complete than first anticipated, meaning that Dorking Halls will re-open for Cinema screenings in mid-December, with the first live show being the Christmas Pantomime, Sleeping Beauty.

The extension to the closure does have implications on the events Dorking Halls had planned during the coming autumn season. The team are actively working to seek alternative local venues or to reschedule as many events as possible. There is no need to contact Dorking Halls as staff will make contact with all customers individually to confirm alternative plans, to rearrange bookings or to make arrangements for refunds as necessary.

MVDC and Dorking Halls would like to apologise for any inconvenience the increased term of work will cause to customers, hirers and event organisers, and thank them for their patience and understanding.

Dorking Halls has planned a programme of exciting events outside of the venue this summer, including Plays In The Park and a Family Fun Day in Meadowbank Park, Comedy Clubs in the Green Room Theatre, theatre trips and children’s workshops.

Nick Wright, MVDC’s Cabinet Member for Leisure and Tourism, said “While it is disappointing that we will not be able to re-open Dorking Halls in October as originally planned, these works are vital to the long-term future of this iconic building; the work must be done, and it must be done safely. But although the hall itself will be closed, the Dorking Halls team are working hard to re-locate as many events as possible to other venues in the area – so keep in touch via the Dorking Halls Website and the temporary Box Office at Pippbrook. There will be plenty to keep us entertained as we look forward to the Christmas Pantomime.”

For the latest news on the planned closure, visit www.dorkinghalls/plannedwork.

Merstham’s Pedalling Priest In London to Brighton Bike Ride

A vicar from Merstham will take part in the London to Brighton Bike Ride this month and will stop off en route to lead his usual Sunday Service. 

Reverend Nigel Griffiths, Rector of All Saints Church in Merstham will set off from the race start in Clapham supported by his team of parishioners known as ‘Holy Spokes’. 

Nigel should arrive at All Saints Church in time to lead the 10 am service which will be an all age bring your cycle or scooter to church service.  He will then jump back on his bike to complete the remaining 36 miles to the seafront in Brighton. 

The Reverend and his team are completing the challenge to raise funds for the church.

East Surrey Hospital to Roll Out ‘Martha’s Rule’

East Surrey Hospital will roll out Martha’s Rule in a major new patient safety initiative. 

It is one of 143 hospitals nationally that will test and roll out the new rule in its first year.  It provides a process for patients and families to request an urgent review and second opinion if a condition deteriorates. 

The process will be known as Call 4 Concern or C4C and will initially be trialled on adult inpatient wards.

The hospital’s Critical Care Outreach team will work with ward teams to escalate care concerns. 

The scheme is named after Martha Mills, who died from sepsis three years ago at King’s College Hospital after her family’s concerns about her deteriorating condition were not responded to.

Two Men Convicted of Night Poaching Near Oxted

Two men have been convicted of night poaching on Titsey Hill in Oxted.

Anas Abdulla Azizi and Sirwan Muhammad Salih pleaded guilty at Guildford Crown Court last week and were ordered to pay compensation. 

The two men were tracked by armed response officers and the National Police Air Service, as they tried to hide in woodlands on Christmas night last year.  Police seized an air rifle and a bag of dead pheasants.  A night vision video showing the moment they were tracked and arrested, has been released by Surrey Police.

The Police urge residents to call 999 if they believe a poaching offence is taking place.

Crawley elects new Mayor

Crawley has elected a new mayor.

Councillor Sharmila Sivarajah was elected Mayor at the Annual Meeting of the Full Council meeting last Friday.

Councillor Sivarajah has represented Bewbush and North Broadfield ward since 2022.

The Mayor’s charity for 2024 to 2025 is the Russell Martin Foundation. The charity works to impact positively upon the lives of children, young people and adults through football, education, health and improvement.