Michaela Clements recently talked to David Jay about the St Catherine’s Hospice Abseil this month, and the Vietnam Trek next year.
Selected clips for you to hear again
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Here’s David Jay’s recent interview with Sally Wallace from Reigate Ramblers in case you missed it on last week’s Tea Break.
Newdigate Cricket Club is asking for your help in completing the new Pavillion for the upcoming cricket season.
Junior Cricket & Volunteer Co-ordinator John Callcut spoke with Susy Radio about the campaign to raise over £300,000 for the new build and the call for people to get involved. This weekend members of Surrey Cricket Club will be coming to Newdigate to help with the preparation of the pavillion and the grounds in conjunction with NatWest Cricket Force.
For more information and to volunteer your time visit Newdigate Cricket Club website: www.newdigatecricketclub.co.uk