Category Archives: On Demand
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Chris Bassett & Phil Fry – Oxted Players – Humble Boy
Chairman, Chris Bassett and Committee member Phil Fry spoke about the Oxted Players latest production, Humble Boy which is on at the Barn Theatre Oxted from 17th to 21st August along with a look forward to the annual pantomime which this year is Aladdin.
Performances of Humble Boy -17th – 21st October
Evenings 7:30, Saturday Matinee 2:30
Click on image below for tickets
Wndi Claxton – Dog Trainer
Dog Trainer and canine expert Wendi Claxton spoke about that most dreaded of questions ” When is it the right time”? Also discussed was the latest wrangle over Pitbulls and whether they should become a banned breed
Jean Griffin – Radio Gardener
Radio Gardener Jean Griffin spoke about what needs to be done in the garden this Autumn.