Category Archives: Listen

‘Tyra’s Charity’ – Woodfield School, Merstham

Photo credit: Tyra’s Charity.

Woodfield Secondary School in Merstham caters for the needs of over one hundred secondary school students with learning and associated difficulties.

The school is a registered charity (Charity number: 1026216).

Fifteen year old Tyra has a brother, James, who attends Woodfield School. James has Dravet Syndrome and is 16 years old, but has the mentality of a 4 year old. Tyra says that despite his mental disability he is developing and flourishing because of help received from this ‘amazing school’.

To add her support, Tyra has begun a fundraising project of her own, but at 15yrs old, she is a year too young to register her own charity. She has therefore created her own ‘Just Giving’ page “to try and have events and this JustGiving page so I can have a head start for when I turn 16.”

Tyra adds:
“The main reason I want to raise money for Woodfield is because of the students that attend the school and on a personal level I have met most of them and have been touched by their happiness and friendliness towards everyone despite their different disabilities.

I would love to raise awareness and money for Woodfield so they can have more school trips, a new minibus and more benches.”
Tyra has already managed to raise over £2,000 towards her target of £10,000.

Links to Tyra’s ‘Just Giving’ page can be found on Woodfield School’s Facebook Page:

Susy Radio’s David Jay recently spoke with this inspiring young lady:


The Big Sleepout – 10 Sept

The Big Sleepout
Photo credit: Renewed Hope Trust

‘Renewed Hope Trust’ is a registered charity providing help and support for the homeless.

It is organising a community event about homelessness to increase awareness and raise funds.

The event takes place at the
Old Reigatian Rugby Football Club,
Geoffrey Knight Fields,
Park Lane, Reigate RH2 8JX

Please bring your family along and take part!

Families, schools, sports and corporate teams are all invited to come along and enjoy the evening’s entertainment which includes live music, touch rugby, a tug-of-war, tomahawk throwing (run by Scout leaders) and food and drink.
The Scouts have even offered to put up your tent for you – staying the night is not mandatory but Tony Tobin will be serving breakfast the next morning!

Susy Radio’s Mark Tickner spoke with Hugh Serjeant about the event:

Full details including booking arrangements can be found here:

Kerry McGarrigle – Moonstones

Domestic violence is all too prevalent with many people suffering in silence not knowing who to turn to.

Kerry McGarrigle is someone who broke free from this abuse and started a support organisation providing practical help and support to those in need.

‘Moonstones’ is available to help all those in need:

Kerry explains more:

Steven Moore – MND (Motor Neurone Disease)

Motor Neurone Disease has no known cure and is not a diagnosis that anyone would wish to get.

Steven Moore, however, did receive such a diagnosis earlier this year and he explains more about living with the disease and what’s being done to try and search for a cure.

For more details and to follow Steven in his fight against MND go to

More information at: