Category Archives: Listen

Leigh & District Cottage Garden Society

The Leigh & District Cottage Garden Society Held their Summer Show on 23rd July.

Susy Radio were there. Mark Carter opened the proceedings along with Society President, Jean Griffin.
Neil Munday was the announcer and Tony Williams got to grips with asking Jean Griffin your gardening questions.

Any gardening questions you may have for Jean should be sent to

Sean Orr and Wesley – Menshare

Following Sean Orr’s recent chat about ‘Menshare’, an organisation encouraging men to open up and talk through the issues worrying them, Sean returned to Susy Radio to explain a little more about how the process works and was joined by Wesley, who has experienced the journey right from the beginning.

if you feel you would like to talk with someone, give Menshare a call on 07508 336995 or visit: