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Christmas Carol Concert 2014

Christmas time is about community and when community works together real Christmas magic happens.

Back in October and early November, discussions and meetings were being had, and ideas formulated for various events.
Approaches made about Remembrance Sunday and during the course of this, the proposal of Christmas was put in Susy Radio’s direction. This led to to further meetings being held, and discussions in the church.

A lot of time and planning followed leading to behind the scenes practice and rehearsal resulting in sample recordings and a trial run through. Reality hits – the community enthusiasm, the Christmas Spirit is punching through, this sounds fantastic!

Final technical preparations are made, the rig day arrives – 5 hours of setting up, testing mics, testing recorders, final rehersals. Then off for a good nights sleep!

On Sunday 21st December at 3pm, the fantastic people of Copthorne come together, standing room only in the Church of St John the Evangelist.
It’s an electric feeling, an air of anticipation – the Christmas Story along with letters on the 12 days of Christmas are told. The organ reverberates around the full church, the choirs voices reach the heavens, the music performed by the church orchestra and the Copthorne Silver Band is heavenly. The congregation raise the roof as each Carol is sung beautifully.

Tea, coffee and mince pies follow!

The equipment packed away and the recording heads to production, and 11 hours later, voice over prepared, schedule changed,
introductions completed, and trailer promo made.

Our sincere thanks to everyone involved – in particular
Father Simon Hill and choir director Lesley Dawson.

Merry Christmas from Susy Radio

Neil Munday, Producer

Engineered by Programme voiced by Promotion voiced by
Neil Munday
John Stockley
Natalie Osborne Mark Tickner

Pictures by Natalie Osborne, Neil Munday